
To start, some bits about me

I have always enjoyed trying to make sense of the many aspects of life that surrounds us, and to build something of it, exploring as I go. From an early age I'd build things out of blocks, Lego® , märklin (German clone of Meccano), progressing through model rocketry, and the such with a strong aptitude to maths and sciences. Since I liked building things, I went for Civil Engineering as my post secondary choice, but got side tracked into the growing IT (Information Technology) field before I could finish. IT provides so many ways to build so many different things, and so many with out needing to program (as opposed to all my formal IT post secondary options indicated at the time). I get to do and am known for both the architecting of environments as well as some of the actual hands on building 'n fixing. Science Fiction is the exploration of science possible (exploring "What If?") and accounts for a hunk of my recreational reading along with more down to earth survival skills to handle much of the range of "what if?". Finding the truth of a matter is often the key to solving problems, and as such I don't suffer from the social-mental disease of 'political correctness' as it usually hurts someone as much as it avoids hurting someone else while obscuring the truth. It is more fun to explore the truth from an oblique angle as this exercises the brain, or as some have complained 'warps the brain'. Six times nine does equal forty-two if you use the right base/frame of mind.
And I've been known to pun.

Posts will be sporadic and occasionally in bursts. They are a reflection of my thoughts/feelings/opinions, but I can be swayed by demonstrable facts and thoughtful counterpoints. Moronic blather will be blissfully ignored since this is my playground. Everyone can set up their own playground and are welcome to do so as any right to free speech is not matched by any right to an audience.

Live Long and Prosper.

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