As a young kid, I got to fly a fair amount as my Dad and my Grandfather(my mom's dad, and a former test pilot) were a private pilots and flying was still relatively cheap compared today. These flights were typically in 2 or 4 seat unpressurized planes that flew 'close' to earth, typically under 1000m, where the air is still nice and thick with lots of 'texture'. Flying on a nice sunny weekend afternoon was always a joy for me, and even when it was a smooth flight there were still usually some bumps as we'd fly though thermals (you just can't see those rising columns of warmer air). Usually there were at least a few of those unexpected bumps where the only reason we didn't hit the roof was because of the seat-belts, and they were just the thing you had to deal with to be soaring in the air like we were. So to be on a fix track that is a much rougher ride than flying, where you can generally see where the 'bumps' are, that at their best/worst barely match what I experienced flying, I find boring. To the point I haven't bothered with a roller coaster in years. On a commercial flight that happened to be in some bad turbulence (like in ) where I couldn't hold a book still enough to read, I turned to see a fellow passenger turning a bit green, to whom I proclaimed with a smile "This is so much better than a roller coaster, fun stuff eh?" That brought enough of a giggle that he made it through the flight with his stomach contents intact.
So yes roller coasters bore me, but for this I might just bother to get on some more.